Monday, December 28, 2009

Girls...encouragement for single dudes

My education program is rather unique for a couple reasons. First, I can only visit home for about 3 weeks at a time, and that happens only twice a year. Secondly, there is not even 1 girl at my institution that I could see myself getting into a serious relationship with. Or even a half-way serious relationship. Or, for that matter, any real relationship at all outside of friendship. That is not to say there are no good girls at my school, nor that I do not have any female friends there - because I do. I am friends with almost every girl at my school, and many back home also.

Here's my problem: every time I come home for a while and relax, visit friends, etc, I really, really start longing for a girlfriend. This is a problem that I have spend many nights in prayer over, and finally got an answer for last night. First, though, some background.

My family is extremely conservative. They were, for the longest time, of the opinion that all three of their boys would "court" their woman before marriage. This was fine to us, until we realized just how near-impossible that would be in this day of age, and how finding someone else who'd actually go for courting would be like trying to find Swarovsky crystal at the thrift mart. So the whole "dating" / "courting" issue with my parents never has been layed out for us and is, to this day, a bit of a gray area (I have decided to approach them about it before I leave for school again).

The other problem, which I was getting at earlier, is that if I want a relationship with a girl it will most likely have to be a girl from around home, because although there are some great people near where my school is, I just haven't yet found a girl to compare with some of the quality Texas gals I grew up with.

Back to the issue. If I am to have a relationship it appears as of now that it will have to be a long distance relationship. Long distance relationships are quite hard on both parties - I know of only one couple who has made that work well, and at my school that is what most people try to make work. So far, I haven't met a girl that I'm attracted to here at home that is willing to make that work. This results in much prayer on my part every time I come home because I desire so badly to have a some form of relationship like that.

Last night was one of those nights, all day I had been feeling pretty blue and angry so that by night I just started praying about it all. God's answer was quick and simple: "I have told you to wait, and you must continue to wait" But God, I have waited for twenty years already. "You are a mechanical engineering student, you don't even have time right now. Wait and I will reward." I am stubborn, But I can make time Lord. "This will be so much easier if you act bravely." That is when it hit me. I had a mental image of me happily spending my time on leave just hanging out with friends, content with what I have already. Sometimes we must wait on the Lord, trust him at his word. We know that God rewards those who follow his commands, and we know that he rewards well. Why not have a good attitude?

I have just finished the book Wild at Heart by John Eldridge. He talks about how we, as men, sometimes must take the road less traveled, and do the unpopular, hard task. It all sounds easy, inspiring even, but when it comes down to it that task is still hard and it's a hard choice to make. For me, and for every single guy out there who has been told "Wait" by God, this is what we must do for now.

Moral of the story: those of us who have been told to wait, it is our calling as men of the Lord to wait for His plan for our lives. I am, and you can also. Remember who you serve, and take pride in His promise for your life. The reward cannot be matched.


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